Born: October 12, 1960
1960年代は世界中がSwinging Londonの熱気に溢れていた。
ROCK MUSICとFASHIONを切り離しては考えられない時代でもあり、幼少期にロックの世界観に魅せられていった。
10歳にも満たない私がロックに目覚めたのは、10歳と5歳年上の兄による 影響だった。
目的は、 ロックの世界観の創作だった。
目的は、 ロックの世界観の創作だった。
20代では、ロックというジャンルのみならず、ジャズ、ボサノバ、ソウル、レゲエ等、 あらゆる音楽に精通し、それらの中に共通するロックの世界観を見い出し、創造を追求し続け現在に至っている。
In 1965, at the age of 5, I was exposed to Rock music because of my 10 and 5 year-old older brothers' influence. During the 60s, the world was chock-full of Swinging London Fever, and it was a time when Rock and Fashion cannot be separated. I was attracted to a view of the world of Rock, and became interested in music and musician's fashion, such as the Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Who and The Small Faces.
During the 70s, the whole world was celebrating the golden age of Rock.
Long hair was hip, bell-bottom pants and platform-soled shoes were in fashion, and heavy hard rock was at the top of charts, playing the rhythms of The Led Zeppelin, The Deep Purple, The King Crimson and Pink Floyd. I was hooked, celebrating with the rest of the baby boomers.
At the age of 13, my time of puberty, I became interested in the glam rock. I started to put make up on my own face and styling my hair in the likes of David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Marc Bolan. I had found a meaning in creating something as cool as a view of the world of Rock.
Around 1975, it was a unprecedented punk rock boom. I was more impressed by the fashion and hair of The Sex Pistols than their music. I thought this was "the view of the world of Rock" I had been looking for long time that was creation of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood.
Around 1976, I started creating a specific view of the world of Rock. I was influenced by Andy Warhol and decided to become a creator of a view of the world of Rock for a living. I learned contemporary art, such as in photography, painting, poetry and sculpture, to express all the feats of Andy.
In 1979, I enrolled in Cosmetology courses to pursue a career in hair styling and make-up in order to create my own view of the world of Rock.
In 1982, I went to an Art School for 3 years to study fashion design to further my own expression in the world of Rock. I was in demand as hairdresser and makeup artist for models and actresses.
From my 20s to the present, I have been continuing to pursue all genres of music not only Rock, but also Jazz, Bossa Nova, Soul, Reggae, etc. to find out their common elements and to create my own view of the world of Rock.
東京都渋谷区松濤2-15-5 松濤秀和レジデンス1F
10:00~19:00(平日) / 10:00~18:00(土日・祝)
定休日 : 火曜日・第1月曜日